Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New England Aquarium

Ted and I spent the day together on Friday. We went to a Hot Dog cart and each had a huge hotdog, so much for weight watchers that day! Then it was off to the aquarium. I've been there one other time in January 2005 my first trip to see Stephanie in Boston. The weather was a little different then!

I was looking forward to seeing the Blue Fairy Penguins, the other penguins too!

I have two of these cards so I'll exchange one on postcrossing.

I have two rockhopper cards so I'll probably exchange one of them on postcrossing too.

We saw a turtle being fed in the middle tank. It was great! He didn't want to eat his Brussels Sprouts that day.

Sharks in the middle tank too!
Leafy Sea Dragon, we have these at the Monterey Bay Aquarium too!
We didn't see the Sea Lion exhibit, we were too busy with the penguins.
No Whales inside the Aquarium, but I think they offered a Bay Cruise to see them.
There was a special Jelly exhibit and a few in the permanent exhibit.
And there were a few reptiles and Amphibians!

Most of the cards will be exchanged through Postcrossings.

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