Sunday, June 13, 2010

Havard Square News stand

I arrived in Boston at about 6:30 picked up my bags and headed out on the T to Harvard Square. I goofed up once and got off at Government Center which desserted because it was Saturday. Note to self the T Silver Line is a bus. I got to Harvard Square and Stephanie was finishing up her wedding gig and we met for dinner at a favorite place of hers which has Peanut Butter banana smoothies.

My Grandfather Peckham went to Harvard for a year. He left for unknown reasons to me, and went back to Stanford.

My friend Ruth loves the Swan Boats they are a reminder of family when she was growing up Boston.

This is a statue based on a book I'll be looking for during my trip.

This postcard was for Jim, sent quickly back to California before I got back.

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