Sunday, July 4, 2010

USPS Scenic America

I found a new source for Postcards the United States Postal Service! The postcards are stamped for mailing in the United States. There are 20 postcards in this pack 2 of each, I'll probably keep the duplicates.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

At home 3 new postcards.

On the way home

It was an early start to head back to California. I did have time to look for postcards one more time and visit Dunkin' Donuts at the airport. I had picked up 2 Massachusetts map postcards and they told me I could get three cards for the price of 2 postcards so I got Make Way for Ducklings statue one.

One of the map postcards went to Italy with a recipe postcard through a direct swap on postcrossing.

New England Aquarium

Ted and I spent the day together on Friday. We went to a Hot Dog cart and each had a huge hotdog, so much for weight watchers that day! Then it was off to the aquarium. I've been there one other time in January 2005 my first trip to see Stephanie in Boston. The weather was a little different then!

I was looking forward to seeing the Blue Fairy Penguins, the other penguins too!

I have two of these cards so I'll exchange one on postcrossing.

I have two rockhopper cards so I'll probably exchange one of them on postcrossing too.

We saw a turtle being fed in the middle tank. It was great! He didn't want to eat his Brussels Sprouts that day.

Sharks in the middle tank too!
Leafy Sea Dragon, we have these at the Monterey Bay Aquarium too!
We didn't see the Sea Lion exhibit, we were too busy with the penguins.
No Whales inside the Aquarium, but I think they offered a Bay Cruise to see them.
There was a special Jelly exhibit and a few in the permanent exhibit.
And there were a few reptiles and Amphibians!

Most of the cards will be exchanged through Postcrossings.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Boston, Boston, Boston

These cards were purchased at Fanueil Hall after our Freedom Trail walking tour with Kim a friend of Stephanie and Ted's. He was playing the part of a Ship Captain that was the second Captain of the USS Constitution. After shopping we went to the Scooper Bowl and Ice Cream tasting with the proceeds going to the Jimmy Fund, a cancer research organization. There were 30 ice creams to taste and we found out later it was 5600 calories if you tasted all of them, we each had about 8 tastes and a few shared ones. Ice cream was lunch and we had a light dinner!

I had a request for a recipe card through a direct exchange from Postcrossings. This was the first time I had seen a recipe Postcard and it was a great time to find one. The postcard went to Italy on June 15 along with a map of Massaachusetts I found at the airport.

This card is waiting for a postcrossing request.

I also purchased another Fenway postcard for Jim. I was afraid the other wouldn't make it because it might of been oversized. The first one made it so this one will be for a postcrossing request now.

Boston Trolley Tour all around Boston and a tour of Fenway. I'm not actually sure where I bought these postcards, but I assume it was this day sometime!

The Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge. Springtime Magnolias on Marlborough St. in Back Bay

Trinity Churchand John Hancock Tower Faneuil Hall Market

These postcards will be used for Postcrossing probably.

Lowell and Textile industry

Lowell is somewhere I've been wanting to go since I went to Danvers, MA for a National EGA seminar in about 1997. There is many things to see there, we went to the National Park, American Textile Museum and New England Quilt Museum. No canal boats since it started raining.

We saw this trolley as we drove into the Lowell Nation Park parking lot. The trolley card and train card are going a little boy who loves trains.

Free advertisement card from the New England Quilt Museum. It was to announce Fiber Revolution exhibit in November 3, 2005 to January 7, 2006

Most of these postcards will be used for postcrossing exchanges.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Havard Square News stand

I arrived in Boston at about 6:30 picked up my bags and headed out on the T to Harvard Square. I goofed up once and got off at Government Center which desserted because it was Saturday. Note to self the T Silver Line is a bus. I got to Harvard Square and Stephanie was finishing up her wedding gig and we met for dinner at a favorite place of hers which has Peanut Butter banana smoothies.

My Grandfather Peckham went to Harvard for a year. He left for unknown reasons to me, and went back to Stanford.

My friend Ruth loves the Swan Boats they are a reminder of family when she was growing up Boston.

This is a statue based on a book I'll be looking for during my trip.

This postcard was for Jim, sent quickly back to California before I got back.

Postcard from Capitola

This card is being sent to someone in Brazil that collects Lighthouse postcards and stamps. He contacted me for a direct swap through Postcrossing.

Watercolors by Karen Nevis which will be sent to someone on Postcrossing.